Bleak House

Apr 19, 2024

You stand tall,
daunting, alluring and mystic
But haunted nonetheless
By your past
making it difficult for me to add my favorite colors.

I wonder
I wonder
What color you would’ve been?
Before the painter decided
to color you blue and black.

Those become my favourite
Making it easy for me
To come near and
To be obsessed witah you .

Or is it the sharp angles?
Or tall sturdy pillars?
Or the stark beauty?
I guess
It might’ve been the tragedy of your halls.

Unfortunately, I can be
the silly girl who loves too much
Within your four walls
Unafraid of my shadows
And dark storms.

Oh, my tall bleak house!
Will you provide me home?
Or you’d shut your doors
And send me away
As an hungry needy beggar?




A rare land-dwelling mammal capable of converting caffeine into dramatic stuff or you could say a literary potato